Author, inspirational conversationalist, and cooking/culinary enthusiast Marquita Moore is the founder of the inspirational lifestyle brand How I Grew Today.
Marquita spent over 10 years of her professional life working in the Entertainment Industry. After years of feeling unfulfilled and ignoring the feeling that there was something deeper in life that she was not tapping into every day, she began intentionally walking her path to healing and growing spiritually.
As a writer, Marquita chronicles the lessons learned and the many revelations that have inspired her to choose, every day, to walk the path of light, living life spiritually.
"My journaling has become my guide and part of my assignment. Sharing my writing is how I serve others and do my part to spread God's light, the goodness of humanity and love, in the way I was put here to do it."
As a conversationalist, she encourages others to shift their gaze from the physical aspects of life to the spiritual.
"If I could talk about spiritual things all day, I would. The connection in conversations with others is so important. It enriches my walk tremendously."
As a culinary enthusiast, Marquita's love for all things food started when she was a little girl in Alabama. The kitchen and cooking were a safe, creative space for connection, where everything but love disappeared.
“Shopping for ingredients, the preparation, the conversations, every part of cooking left an indelible mark on me. It was where everyone could be present and forget about all the problems of the day.”

In 2011, Marquita started How I Grew Today as a platform to hold herself accountable for being present and mindful in her daily life. Her brand has continued to grow into an online destination and community that encourages self-reflection, self-love, healing, spiritual growth, and sharing the paths we take so that we can serve others.
“It was really a place where I could check in daily and stop distracting myself from my life.”
Her desire to live as the full expression of herself, to release the past, grow, heal her heart from the wounds of life, and inspire others to do the same is the DNA of How I Grew Today. HIGT is a space curated for healing, spiritual maturing, and exploring the things you love in your life.
“I’ve finally reached a space in my life where I embrace boldly everything about me; I am free to be me.
How I Grew Today has helped me see myself, and when we can honestly see ourselves, we allow ourselves to be transformed, and our transformation doesn’t just help us. Our healing and growth are not just for us; it's for everyone that connects with us.”